Monday 6 August 2012

Clothed Caruso

For the clothed version of Caruso I decided to import the mesh of nude Caruso into a new maya scene and made the mesh "live" so I could model the clothing as a plane that follows the contours of the body. This acted mainly as a guide while I roughly blocked out the shapes of the clothing, then I made the mesh "unlive" so I could tweek the new clothing meshes into more desired shapes using the character concept art (by Nell) as reference.

The mask, head, torso, legs, feet and coat are all separate meshes while the hands are combined and merged with the coat. By making the clothing from scratch as a new mesh gives me the freedom to completely change the topology - anatomic details are not so important now that the character is clothed so I'm able to create more simple meshes. 

I feel right now the mesh looks far too plain so it will need a lot of sculpting in Mudbox to bring more life into the model.