Thursday 16 August 2012

UV maps

I almost forgot to create meshes for Caruso's eyeballs but luckily it's a very simple task. Here is the final UV map for the clothed model of Caruso - I hope there is enough UV space for the mask and face details.

Here is the UV map for the nude model of Caruso thrown in for good measure - the face UVs are exactly the same as in the clothed model so to save time it could be easier to just import the head from the nude model. However, I am still not sure whether nude Caruso will even feature in the final game so it's more resourceful to keep everything (including a texture for Caruso's face) on one UV map.

I had a lot of practice with the UV layouts of the older Caruso mesh so this time round it was much quicker to generate the UV map for the new mesh, and I have noticed I am more efficient with the UV space. Level up!