Monday 16 November 2009


I fished around for a speck of creative thought somewhere in the deep dark abyss that is my mind and came up with a few new ideas to adjust the plot. Most ideas were discarded but I almost took my story down a completely different route [where the message started to change] but then I reverted back to the old track but am starting to shape it up a bit more...

Story so far...

A man dies and is greeted by the ticketman to take him to the afterworld(Heaven? Hell? The destination is irrelevant...the audience just has to know that it's the stage where people are meant to go after death). As he turns to look at his still-alive fiancée for, what he thought would be, the last time he decides to remain in the living world as a ghost hoping to spend the remnants of his life as he did before...when he was still alive. The ticketman rips up his ticket to show that this decision is irreversible.

Throughout the first part of the film we see a montage of how the fiancée copes with the death of her love by continuing her life as if he was still alive and the ghost does the same thing; convincing himself that as long as he could be beside her he would be happy. However, the ghost is unable to interact with his fiancée - who is unaware of his presence. Time heals all wounds [as they say] and the woman starts to forget about her old love, adjusting back to a normal life alone, as one person.

Being slowly forgotten, the ghost begins to fade away and tries his best to affect the physical surroundings around them to bring memories of him back to her. Alas, his efforts are in vain because the woman moves on to a new love, forgetting her old love completely. In despair, the ghost can do nothing but stand by and watch his love with another man as he himself disappears from the world, no one thinking if him, no one remembering his existence.

The end?
I'm still not sure if I should include an ending where the woman sees something that suddenly reminds her of her old fiancé which brings the ghost back into existence. I added this ending to the previous animatic because I felt the ending was too...blah! But with the revised story I feel that if I pace everything correctly I can end it at the disappearance of the ghost.

It's a shame that my film is turning into somewhat of a romantic tragedy, I wanted to stay away from a "love story" but it just turned out this way! I guess my reasoning for choosing such a relationship between the two characters is because [in my opinion] this kind of love is replaceable (HARSH!) and there is no such thing as "The One" - everyone, given enough time, can love more than one person :). I sound like a bitter woman but it's just what I believe haha!